November Newsletter

November 2022


Sunday, November 20
Faith Center after morning worship
The meat, dressing, Rolls and tea will be provided by the church.
Please bring vegetable, salad or dessert.

Faith Center
Sunday, November 13 at 5:00 p.m.

Join us Soup will be served!!

Operation Christmas Child
National Shoebox Collection Week is just around the corner! Our final packing party on November 13th and will be our kickoff event for collection week, November 14th - 21st. We will start at 5:00 PM and pack until we are done, so come ready to work.
The men's classroom in the Faith Center has been set up as a packing room so that anyone who would like to pack a few shoeboxes on his or her own time, is free to do so. Just mark the age and gender of the child for whom you are packing on the label and fill your box with the items we have available. We recently learned that we do NOT have to put a rubber band on the boxes after each one is filled. That is good news. When you have finished filling your box, place it on the stage in the Faith Center. The empty shoeboxes in the sanctuary may be taken home to fill.
The value of these shoeboxes is eternal, for each one serves as a tool to share the Gospel with children and their families. Please pray for OCC and all that is required to make this happen. Already Satan is at work creating havoc and unexpected problems for all of us.
We remain grateful to each of you who have participated in any way to help this effort. Thank you once again for all you have done and for what you are going to do. We are here "for such a time as this," and OCC is one way we can make enemies become friends.
Merry Christmas all year long!
Kara and Jane

Christmas Breakfast
Join us
Sunday, December 11
at 9 a.m.
Biscuits, Sausage,
Pancakes, Donuts &Fruit

Deacons Meeting
Sunday, November 13
9:00 a.m.

Wednesday, November 23
No Bible Study
No Youth
No J.A.M.

Adult Coffee
Tuesday November
 1st at 10:00
Tuesday November
15th at 10:00

Join Bro. Michael 
  Wednesday’s at 5:30

             November Calendar
Tues. Nov. 1                          10:00 a.m.    Adult Coffee

Wed. Nov.2                              5:30 p.m.    Youth
                                                   6:00 p.m.    Bible Study                    
                                                   6:00  p.m.    J.A.M.

Sun. Nov, 6                                                                    
                                              9:45 a.m.   Sunday School
                                           1 1:00 a.m.   Morning Worship

Wed. Nov. 9                           5:30 p.m.    Youth
                                                 6:00 p.m.    Bible Study                     
                                                 6:00  p.m.    J.A.M.

Sun. .Nov 13                            9:00 a.m.    Deacons Meeting
                                                 9:45 a.m.    Sunday School
                                               11:00 a.m.    Morning Worship
                                                  5:00p.m.    OCC Packing Party/Soup Supper

 Tues. Nov. 15                       10:00 a.m.    Adult Coffee

Wed. Nov. 16                           5:30 p.m.    Youth
                                                    6:00 p.m.     Bible Study
                                                   6:00 p.m.      J.A,M                                                                             
Sun.  Nov. 20                          9:45  a.m.   Sunday School
                                                  11:00 a.m.   Morning Worship
Wed. Nov.23                          No   Youth
                                                  No   Bible Study
                                                  No   J.A.M.
Sun. Nov.27                             9:45 a.m.   Sunday School
                                                1 1:00 a.m.   Morning Worship
Wed. Nov. 30                          5:30 p.m.     Youth
                                                   6:00 p..m.    Bible Study
                                                   6:00 p..m.    J.A.M.