October Newsletter

Wednesday, October 26th
Faith Center
5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Come Join us for Food & Fun
If you would like to help contact Jessica Winn

Operation Christmas Child

There were 264 OCC Shoeboxes packed for the 2 - 4 year old category at our first packing party, and over $2,300 was donated. As always, we are grateful for your generosity and your help with this ministry. We also appreciate the FBC Kitchen Crew for the delicious meal and the effort they gave in preparing it.

The next packing event will be in a couple of weeks. This one will be for the oldest age group, 10 - 14. If you have spare time, we have shoeboxes that need to be put together, soap and washcloths to be banded together, and various other things that need doing to prepare. See Kara or Jane if you need guidance for this.

There are only a few short weeks before the manual part of preparing these “Gospel
Opportunities” for 2022 will be done. However, our prayers need to continue in order to carry this work to completion. We live in a difficult era, but the Lord has us here “for such a time as this.” Who knows but what this year will be our last opportunity to tell of the “blessed hope” available to everyone, if they know about Jesus Christ and have faith in Him. Do not
underestimate what the Lord will do with a shoebox packed for Him.
Thank you all, and…
Merry Christmas all year long!
We love you,
Kara and Jane

Adult Coffee
Tuesday, October 4 at 10:00 a.m.
Adult Coffee & Flu Shots
Tuesday October 18, at 10:00 a.m.
Cheryl from Dumas Family Pharmacy will be giving Flu shots to 65 years or older.
*** Contact church office for flu shot, Cheryl needs a count of how many shots needed.

Join Us .
Wednesday Evening
Bible Study at 6:00 p.m.

Packing Party
Sunday, October 16 at 5:00 p.m.
Soup, Chili & Cornbread


Join Bro. Michael 
  Wednesday’s at 5:30

Church Members
Please let the church office or your family Deacon know if there is
anything you need.
Church office is open Monday - Friday
8 - 4:30
Sunday Morning Worship
Please join us
Facebook live fbcdumas

Online and Mobile Giving Now  Available!
Have you ever left home and realized you forgot your checkbook, or didn’t have cash on you?  FBC has a solution for you. Simply go to

October Calenda
  Sun. Oct. 2        9:45 a.m.   Sunday                                                  School
                           1 1:00 a.m.    Morning                                                    Worship

Tues. Oct . 4   10:00     Adult  Coffee

Wed. Oct. 5  5:30 p.m.   Youth
                                6:00 p.m.    Bible Study                     6:00  p.m.    J.A.M.

    Sun. Oct.. 9      9:00 a.m.    Deacons                                                   Meeting

                               9:45 a.m.    Sunday                                                   School
                             11:00 a.m.    Morning                                                    Worship

Wed. Oct. 12           5:30 p.m.    Youth
                                      6:00 p.m.     Bible                                                              Study
                                     6:00 p.m.      J.A,M                                                                             
Sun.  Oct.. 16            9:45  a.m.   Sunday                                                          School
                                11:00 a.m.   Morning                                                       Worship
                               5:00 p.m.    OCC                                                                 Packing Party
                               Soup ,Chili , Cornbread
Tues.  Oct. 18   10:00.a.m.   Adult Coffee
           FLU SHOOTS/for ages 65 or older              

Wed. Oct. 19     5 :30 p.m.    Youth
                                   6:00 p.m.     Bible                                                           Study
                             6:00 p.m.    J.A.M.
Sun. Oct. 23         9:45 a.m.   Sunday                                                    School
                          1 1:00 a.m.    Morning                                                     Worship
Wed. Oct.. 26    5:30 p.m. Youth
                                6:00 p..m.    Bible Study
                       6:00 p..m.    J.A.M.
Sun. Oct.  30      9:45 a.m.   Sunday                                                 School
                           1 1:00 a.m. Morning                                                   Worship